The Little Book of Language, Math, and Computation

A textbook for LIN 361/539 “Mathematical Methods in Linguistics” at Stony Brook University

Thomas Graf

Fall 2024

Main Units


How to read this book

Supplementary readings, or: What’s unique about this book?

How to read mathematics

Mathematical elegance

N-grams for linguistics

N-gram models of grammaticality

Analyzing negative n-gram grammars

Formal definition and proof of the normal form theorem

Positive n-gram grammars

Proof: Equivalence of positive and negative grammars

Combining n-gram grammars

Succinctness and choosing between grammars

Making n-grams more powerful: Phonological tiers

The mathematics of tiers

Different ways of thinking about tiers

Summary of n-grams in linguistics

Extra exercises on n-grams

N-grams in language technology (optional)

An n-gram model of text

Set-of-words revisited: adding counts

Dealing with stop words

Stop word removal as a function

Universals and monotonicity

What’s to come, and what you should know already

The problem of overgeneration

Morphological paradigms

NPIs and monotonicity

Monotonicity in case syncretism

Person Case Constraints

Explaining a syntactic universal: the Adjunct Island Constraint

The lattice space of n-gram grammars

Summary of monotonicity and universals


What’s to come, and what you should know already

Generalizing n-grams to mappings: a failed attempt

Finite-state transductions as a game

Finite-state transductions as transducers

Phonological processes as transductions

Rule ordering via cascades and composition

From surface forms to underlying representations: phonological parsing

The generative capacity of finite-state transducers

Transducers VS automata

Local transductions

More fun with finite-state machinery

Two-level morphology

Optimization and violable constraints

Finite-state recognition as Boolean matrix multiplication

Matrix multiplication for harmonic grammar


General Background

Common abbreviations

Notation: Big operators

Equals VS Define: Why = is not the same as :=



Picking maxima and minima


Sets: The basics

Operations: Union, intersection, and complement of sets


Comparing sets

Set-builder notation

The Powerset


Strings: Basic notation

Parts of strings



Tuples: The basics

Crossproduct (aka Cartesian product)

The Kuratowski definition of pairs


Functions: Basic notation

Function growth and Big O notation

Domains and co-domains


Range and surjections


Relations: Basic notation

Order relations: the intuition

Partial orders

Linear orders (aka total orders)

Taking the closure of a relation

Types of relations


Partially ordered sets (posets)

Lower bounds and upper bounds


Linear algebra


Dot product of vectors

Matrices and matrix multiplication

Additional practice exercises

Practice exercises for n-gram grammars

1000 automatically generated exercises with n-gram grammars

Practice exercises for set operations

Exercises with set operations (Batch 1)

Exercises with set operations (Batch 2)

Exercises with set operations (Batch 3)